NordCham members are working on all the SDGs!

NordCham business partners have kindly participated in a survey to highlight which SDGs they are working on, and their approach to sustainability. We want to extend our warm thanks to our business partners for taking part in the survey: Antrak Philippines Transport Solutions Corporation, Artelia, AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals (Phils.), Inc., BDO Unibank, Inc., CMC Partner AS, Converge ICT Solutions, Inc., Einar’s Natural Foods, Embassy of Denmark in the Philippines, Filtra Inc., Global Process Manager, Inc. (GPM), H & M Hennes & Mauritz Inc., Ikano Philippines Inc./IKEA, Imperial Homes Corporation, ITD World Philippines, Novo Nordisk Pharmaceuticals (Philippines) Inc., Oxford Business Group, Philippine Embassy in Denmark, Philippine Embassy in Sweden, PMFTC Inc., PPI Pazifik Power, Retail Associates, SN Aboitiz Power Group, Swedish Match Philippines, Inc., TORM Shipping Philippines, Inc.


Our business partners’ answers to the survey highlight that all the SDGs are engaged with, which is a very positive sign, and we are pleased to have business partners that prioritize responsibility and sustainability in their operations.


Our business partners are most engaged in SDG 8 on Decent Work and Economic Growth, followed by SDG 13 on Climate Action and SDG 5 on Gender Equality. SDG 3 on Good Health and Well-being, SDG 10 on Reduced Inequalities, and SDG 11 on Sustainable Cities and Communities are also important to our business partners. SDG 7 on Affordable and Clean Energy and SDG 12 on Responsible Consumption and Production are also highly prioritized. SDG 4 on Quality Education, SDG 9 on Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, and SDG 17 on Partnerships for the Goals is also a priority for business partners.


Sustainability is implemented very diversely among our business partners, with some examples:

  • Innovation and using bio-materials in construction
  • Risk management and diversity and inclusion programs
  • Building renewable energy sites and collaborating with communities
  • Raising awareness and driving behavioral change towards sustainable consumption and recycling
  • Reducing greenhouse gas emissions throughout supply chains
  • Promotion of eco-design in consulting and engineering services
  • Protecting human rights throughout operations and involving third-party supplier audits


It is evident that the motivation to work with sustainability is important to ensure implementation among our business partners:

Sustainability is something that we want to embed in our culture. Our sustainability commitment covers four (4) pillars such as delighting customers by taking care of our own, operating a sustainable company and leading it with integrity and good governance, creating positive community impact, and giving back to our planet. The objectives within these pillars are connected to the UN SDGs as we believe that to be a sustainable business, we should be aiming for a sustainable future for all, especially the planet,” states Bryan Christopher O. King Kay, Head of Program Management and Change Integration at Converge ICT Solutions.


Maria Kristina Vargas, Corporate Communication, PR, and Branding at SN Aboitiz Power, states: “The UN SDGs provide a holistic framework for us to align our business activities with our sustainability goals. SNAP's overriding mission is to power positive change. We strive to harmonize the sustainability of our people, our planet, and our profits. We do that by primarily developing and operating renewable energy plants that power the growth of the Philippine economy while preserving the planet for future generations. This model also enables us to uplift our host communities through sustainable development. We adopted the UN SDGs as a framework to prioritize, direct and measure our efforts in realizing our mission.


We are pleased to have members that work diligently to implement sustainability initiatives. The survey is an opportunity for us to become a better business partner for sustainability. Based on the findings from the survey on sustainability priorities, we will launch the NordCham sustainability committee on April 27. The meetings are a mix of inspiration and insights from a knowledgeable speaker (with QA), sharing of best practices among participants, and letters of recommendation and publications to be shared with the government, media, and relevant organizations. Check out this link if you want to learn more and attend the launch.